Francis Crick

The next decade: therapies and brain health 

2024 World Dementia Council summit took place in London in March 2024. Read reflections back from the meeting, and about the programme and participants below. The 2025 Summit takes place on 25 March 2025 in London. 

  • 2024 WDC Summit transcript

    In March 2024 more than 150 global experts gathered at the 2024 World Dementia Council summit in London to discuss challenges and opportunities in the dementia field over the next decade. Read the discussions and the activity over the year ahead.   

  • World Dementia Council summit 2024 programme

    The summit will address: how to maintain brain health and prevent disease, how to diagnose earlier and treat better; and how to keep people well for as long as possible for as long as possible. Read more about the WDC summit programme and participants for 2024. 

  • 2024 WDC Summit

    Read WDC Chair Professor Philip Scheltens and Vice Chair Dr Joanne Pike on the forthcoming World Dementia Council summit.

  • Registration and practical information

    The summit for international leaders in the dementia field is taking place at the Francis Crick Institute in London. It is a one day meeting with an evening drinks reception. The meeting is invitation only. Read more about registration, travel and nearby hotels. 

  • Previous Council Summits

    Read more about the World Dementia Council summits held in 2023 and 2022. The Council also holds meetings with governments around the world. In May 2023 the Council held a meeting along with the Government of Japan at the G7 health ministers meeting in Nagazaki. In October the Government of the Netherlands hosted in partnership with the Council a high-level governmental meeting at the Hague