The Council has published a transcript of a conversation from the WDC summit on prevention and brain health. The participants were Professor Kaarin Anstey, University of New South Wales, Professor Miia Kivipelto, Karolinska Intitutet and Sarah Lenz Lock, AARP. The session was moderated by Hilary Evans, CEO Alzheimer's Research UK.
The WDC summit took place on Monday 28 March 2022 at the Francis Crick Institute in London, UK. The summit followed a series of global dialogues held over the past year as part of the WDC’s dementia landscape project. A global initiative led by the Council, it has reviewed international progress made against the commitments the G8 made in 2013. The project beings together international leaders across the areas of research, care, awareness and risk reduction. Transcripts of all the conversations of the meeting are being published.